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آموزش یادگیری ذهن آگاهانه توسط مهندس کوثری

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چندمقاله زبان اصلی در مورد تفکر جانبی

در ادامه مطلب

From a top-down perspective, we use lateral thinking (out-of the-box thinking) for our strategic planning activity (creativity) and parallel thinking for our business planning(do it now mode) processes.

Lateral Thinking ... Create Chaos to Succeed

This newsletter is devoted to lateral thinking that is commonly referred to as out-of-the-box (OTB) thinking. Coined by Edward de Bono, founder of the Cognitive Institute Trust in Cambridge in 1969, his instruction is sought by leading companies such as IBM, Shell, Unilever and Du Pont.
The case study presented in our Web site, an example of our strategic business planning process, and our newsletter puzzle are pivoted upon his tool, lateral thinking.

Lateral thinking is different from the traditional logical process that Edward de Bono calls vertical thinking. Lateral thinking is most useful in generating new ideas and concepts. This is why it is valuable in generating strategic business plans. It is not Kaizen, the on-going process of incremental improvement, but tied very closely to its ability to assist developing global performance and acceptance.

Lateral thinking must be learned, not taught. It is a process to explore different ways of looking at an issue as opposed to accepting the most promising and proceeding. To be global, one must expansive, view a larger picture.
Lateral thing is chaos as opposed to procedure - vertical thinking - structure. Compare the two as building blocks. Stacked blocks are vertical. Scattered blocks are lateral period. This comparison shows that global planning, like building blocks, is best served with blocks scattered about (chaos) where a pattern may emerge as a more useful vertical structure.

Lateral Thinking

Lateral Thinking.

The concept of lateral thinking is a way of thinking to solve a problem through an unconventional, indirect and creative approach. It can be characterized as horizontal thinking opposite to vertical thinking. In principle, lateral thinking is based on ordening existing information to generate new information. Problem solving using lateral thinking is not straightforward. The goal is to find a way that should end up in a solution that is not always obvious or obtainable with common step-by-step logic. In case no result for a solution of the problem can be found, it can be useful in another field, though. Lateral thinking is somehow like thinking outside the box.

Thinking Tools

Lateral thinking is useful for creating new ideas out of a known idea. The following thinking tools are defined:

  1. Idea generating tools to break current thinking patterns
  2. Focus tools to broaden the search for new ideas
  3. Harvest tools to get as much as possible from idea generating output
  4. Treatment tools to consider real-world constraints

Idea Generating Tools

  • Random Entry Idea Generating Tool: Starting from a random object, or a noun, and connecting that with the specific subject of thought.
  • Provocation Idea Generating Tool: Use the most outlandish out of a list of provocations, such as wishful thinking or exaggeration to genererate new ideas.
  • Challenge Idea Generating Tool: Fresh new ideas can be retrieved by asking the question "Why?". Nevertheless, the aim is not the problem itself, but to challenge anything at all.
  • Concept Fan Idea Generating Tool: Concepts are carried out from ideas. The goal is to expand the range and number of concepts that could end up with a broad range of ideas that can be worthwile to consider.
  • Disproving: A way of convincingly disproving an opposite view.

Lateral thinking and problem solving

  • Problem Solving: Problem solving deals with finding out what caused the problem and how to solve the problem. The aim is to get the situation normalized, prefarably to where it should be.
  • Creative Problem Solving: Solving a problem indirectly and unconventionally by using creativity.
  • Creative Problem Identification: Observation and reflexion are very important to gain insight, that can be useful to solve unrelated problems.

The idea for this blogpost about lateral thinking was generated by the thinking portal of my thoughts concerning the blogpost about serendipity.

Crying Problems


Here are two lateral thinking problems that involve "crying." Go ahead and take a stab at them.

What I'm looking for are "second right answers." By that I mean, I'll put the "first right answers" in the comments section. My challenge to you is to think of other answers that also "make sense."

#1. Five beautiful and well-dressed women are standing in a tight group. One is crying and she has never been happier. The other four are smiling and they have never been more disappointed. Why?

#2. Hector is guilty of no crime, but he is surrounded by four uniformed men, one of whom hits him until he cries. Why?

What are your thoughts? I'd like to hear your ideas. Anything that's even a bit plausible, please share it.

One is getting married. The others are her friends/family, who disapprove of the groom.
One is over 30 and just found out she's finally pregnant. The others are her friends/family, who disapprove because she's single.
One caught the bouquet at a wedding. The other 4 did not.
One just won a contest/game show/reality show/audition. The other 4 did not.

Hector is a drum, or a bell, or some other percussion instrument.
Hector is in a gang hazing.

Tom Haskins

The five women are Hollywood starlets who all auditioned for the same part. The successful candidate is crying because the film's director has a reputation for sexually exploiting the female lead in his productions.

Hector is meeting with four detectives who are on the case of his missing wife. One keeps hitting Hector with further evidence that she has been abducted and murdered. Hector is in denial, hoping she has run off with the pool cleaner to his native Venezuela. Hector cries when he's hit with the realization that his wife is dead.


the lady has received a promotion and is sharing the news with her friends, who though they should all take joy in her friends achievement can only be upset that the opportunity is not theirs.

hector is being initiated into a military squad.
hector is an actor in a play about a man who has committed a crime

jason falcone

1) - Final episode of the Bachelor
- Five women who, on trial for running a prostitution ring, receive the verdicts. One is acquitted and the others are found guilty.

2) - Hector is on a Japanese game show.
- He's part of a flagellating religious group.


Hector is a gambling addict who's been on a roll for the last 2 hours at a particular blackjack table. The manager, floor manager and a member of security are all watching attentively now. Hecotr's entire winnings and life savings are riding on this last hand. The dealer hits him until he busts.

john alwyine-mosely

#1 a) They are at a fertility clinic and meet on the 1st of the month in all their best clothes to celebrate if one or more of them become pregnant. She has and they have not, so glad for her and sad for themselves.
b)Co-workers at the office gala celebration, and she has announced that not only had she the best sales figures but got the promotion, so will be their boss the others are smiling out of politeness but are disappointed that a more popular woman is now likely to leave the firm.
c) friends at a religious meeting with the cult leader, in which the happy woman has now achieved the seven level of enlightenment whereas they are still on the 5th.
d) They are emotional robots, acting out a quaint 20th century marriage custom of catching the brides flowers, these feelings are broadcast to the paying customers. Its the 23rd century's main form of pornography

2# a)Hector is in an psychology unit. He has brain damage and can't connect pain with emotion, this is an experimental treatment.
b) Hector is in uniform, he is a S&M addict, and is alone but in front of mirrors that give four reflections but they are set so he only faces one and so sees himself hitting his self until he cries, He gets a kick that out of the corner of his eyes through his tears, he can catch glimpses of three others beating him.
c)It is in the streets of Berlin in 1932,they are brown shirt fascists and he is a Jew that they are taunting and are beating him in the hope that he throws a punch so they can kick him to death.
d) Its a hidden camera film aimed to see if people passing by will stop the fight or walk on.
e) its the Swiss tickling scouts, they are not hitting him but applying a little known brown belt tickling move and Hector is crying with laughter.

Ahmad Alhashemi


# The woman crying has just been called the winner among four finalists in a beauty contest (brides contest, acting contest, .. etc).

# The women are asked to cry in an acting contest.

# The women are a sample of schizophrenics from the psychiatry ward demonstrating incongruent response to emotion.

# Hector has caught on fire and firemen are trying to put him off.

# Hector is in coma and doctors are assessing his response to pain.

# Hector is abducted by aliens and they are trying to get his tears for a potion they make.

ann michael

Roger what a great exercise. I find it interesting how many people interpret the ladies' situation as competitive - one person's gain being the others' loss.

How about they are at a funeral. The woman crying is burying her husband/child/best friend (pick one) after a long horrible illness. She misses him but has never been happier that his suffering is over. The other women (relatives, friends?) can't look past their grief to appreciate that the sufferer is finally at peace.

How about Hector is the youngest of five, his four brothers are all in the military. He and his 20- something siblings are on their way to a family event in the same car. It's over 100 degrees, the AC is broken, and Hector is sitting next to the window. He won't open it because he doesn't want to ruin his hair (an asset none of the other brothers can claim). The brother sitting next to him beats him until he cries - and opens the window!

Valeria Maltoni


I was surprised that everyone thought the women in a competitive situation, too.

#1 -- The woman crying is so happy that the other four have all been accepted for a trip around the world as part of a documentary on beauty and brains. She has work commitments and wouldn't have been able to make it. The others are slightly disappointed because they enjoy so much her company, they wish she could go, too.

#2 -- Hector is a cop who just won the lottery and is celebrating with his colleagues, one of whom is overly enthusiastic in demonstrating his support.

Roger von Oech

What wonderful "second right answers!" Lots of creativity and imagination displayed here.

Bad Banana: your baseball scenario makes a lot of sense.

Fitz: I like the marriage proposal idea for #1. Also, yours is the first gay S&M comment on my blog.

Maria: Yeah, why not? Hector could be a drum. I like it.

Tom: A starlet crying because of unwanted sexual attention? Okay.

Drew: Gambling? Bingo!

John A-M: Your imagination is in overdrive.

Ahmad: Yeah, Hector's got some real issues.

Ann: Funeral scenario: anyone who has gone through a two or three year period with a loved one with cancer can identify with your context.

Valeria: A "Global Beauty and Brains" documentary. What fun!


1) The crying women just caught the bouqet that the bride threw in a marriage ceremony. She is so happy as she has never caught one before. The other women are disspointed that they could not catch it.

2) Hector is the member of a tribe which has an annual festival to find the most durable person in the tribe. Hence a competition where the winner is the one who does not cry inspite of being hit again and again. The 4 uniformed men are priests in the tribe and one of them hits hector as a part of the competition

Nathan Rice

The "never been more disappointed" keeps my mind in the competitive/challenge realm. I keep visualizing the five women have been in the competition of a lifetime (like the Olympics) at the awards ceremony. One incredibly happy the others incredibly disappointed.

Hector was just born and the four uniformed men are doctors and nurses. The doctor is hit his back after the birth and he starts to cry.


The crying girl of course just won a beauty contest. She is happy, the other four are not. Well,at the end of the contest their four husbands find out who was the jury's President, a man called Hector, and one of them start hitting him until he cries.


Hector is a victim of police brutality. They consider him guilty of walking while black.


one is that the woman crying is happy because she hasn't cried for years and the others are miserable because they would like to cry to but still have a smile----------the next one would be that a couple of disturbed cops are having fun making arthur cry they get joy out of seeing people cry because they get a power trip and thier profiting of thier position as cops to do so.

Bard Judith

I instantly thought:

a) the women are in a 'reality show' such as Design Apprentice - the crying one has just won the job and is overcome with emotion.

b) Hector is in a fancy restaurant and has choked on his Scallops du Poivre, or whatever. The uniformed waiters are attempting to hide their resuscitation attempts from the other customers by clustering around him as the head waiter thumps him on the back...

Lesson 9: Lateral Thinking


Lateral thinking is a technique used to solve a problem with nontraditional methods. Specifically, it focuses on the solution of a variety of problems according to four critical factors:

  • recognizing dominant ideas that narrowly-focus the perception of a problem,
  • searching for different approaches to the issues,
  • eliminating rigid control of thinking, and
  • using alternative ideas.

The term “lateral thinking” was originally coined by the psychologist Edward de Bono in his 1967 book The Use of Lateral Thinking. In the book, he defines lateral thinking as methods of thinking concerned with changing concepts and perception. It is about reasoning that is not immediately obvious and about ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional logic.

You may have heard this approach described as “thinking outside the box”. That phrase was popularized by Mike Vance during his work with Disney in the 1960s (and was the title of a book he published in 1995). The origin of the phrase lies within the solution to a problem that Mike often used as an example to demonstrate how Walt Disney would tap into his creativity, a problem known as Nine Dots (shown in the examples below).

Lateral thinking should not be confused with critical thinking, which is primarily concerned with judging whether an assertion is true or false. Lateral thinking relates to changing perspectives on the cause or solution of problems.

Lateral thinking problems are some of the most difficult problems to solve because – by definition – they require the use of original, unique, and creative methods. While that attribute makes them difficult and infuriating, it also makes them challenging and rewarding.


Tom Didn’t Find the Cache

Suppose you’re given the question “Why didn’t Tom find the cache?” The two immediate answers that come to your mind are probably “It was muggled” or “He didn’t look hard enough for it.” But those aren’t the only possible reason … taking a lateral thinking approach might yield the following explanations:

  • Tom punched the wrong coordinates into his GPS.
  • The coordinates on the cache page were wrong.
  • Tom went to the movies instead of the cache site.
  • Tom is blind.
  • Tom has no arms.
  • Tom was looking in the dark (and didn’t have a flashlight (nor a cell phone (nor a PDA (nor a lighter)))).
  • While searching, Tom found a young, attractive female cacher and asked her out on a date (she said yes!).
  • Tom was too short to reach the cache.
  • Tom’s arms were too big to reach into the hole in which the cache was hidden.
  • Tom accidentally and unknowingly kicked the cache into a deep, dark, wet hole.
  • Tom ran out of gas on the way to the cache (or got a flat tire (or spun out and flung his car into a ditch)).
  • Tom decided to find a different cache instead.
  • Tom only had the coordinates, which turned out to be the bogus posted coordinates of a puzzle cache.
  • Tom had the wrong solution to the puzzle cache he was trying to solve.
  • Tom didn’t find the cache because he hates everything about caching and only bothered to look for it because his father-in-law wanted to find it and Tom’s wife insisted that Tom go along to keep her father company (and to keep her father from getting lost (again (and to get Tom out of that chair to get some exercise for a change instead of spending all day in front of the TV set (watching football, for crying out loud)))).

The Nine Dots Puzzle

This is the puzzle popularized by Mike Vance as an example of how Walt Disney would “think outside the box”.

On a piece of paper, draw nine dots arranged in a 3-by-3 square, like this:

Now draw four straight lines that connect all nine dots without lifting your pencil. Try it first before scrolling down, since the solution lies ahead.

The implied but unspoken constraint to this puzzle is that the four lines must stay within the edge of the square and that each of the four lines must start or end at one of the dots. However, there is no way to solve the puzzle within that constraint. Consequently, the only way to solve it is to draw lines that extend “outside the box”, like this:

Situation Puzzles

One of the most common types of lateral thinking exercises is the situation puzzle. A situation puzzle gives you a very small amount of information and asks you to develop a situation that could explain that situation. For instance:

1. There are six eggs in a basket. Six people each take one egg. How is it possible that one egg remains in the basket?

2. A baby fell out of a twenty-story building, landed on the ground, and lived. How is this possible?

3. Joe wants to go home, but he can’t because there’s a man in a mask waiting for him. What’s going on here?

The solutions for these puzzles are below.

Warning: Many of these puzzles have a tendency to be kind of morbid. Beware!

Solving Techniques

Because writers of lateral thinking problems try to create unique solutions, it can be difficult to generalize techniques to solve them. The best way to learn how to solve them is by working through examples to get your brain in the right mode. But here's a few guiding principles that may come in handy:

  • Assume nothing.
  • Break the rules, especially the unwritten ones.
  • Keep an open mind.
  • Keep a sharp eye out for subtle clues or hints.
  • Try lots and lots of different theories.
  • Work with a partner.
  • Beware of the obvious answer.

Of course, the strategy and tactics discussed in the first two lessons of this series are especially important in trying to solve puzzle caches that involve lateral thinking.

Lateral thinking puzzles are tough ... they'll really put those puzzlehead skills to the test. Which is why they're so rewarding when you finally do solve them.

Solutions to the Situation Puzzle Examples

1. The last person took the basket containing the last egg.

2. The baby fell out of a window on the first floor.

3. Joe is playing baseball. Joe decides to hold up at third base since the catcher has the ball.


Searching Google for the phrase lateral thinking or thinking out of the box will get you well on your wait to building your lateral thinking skills.

3 Votes

Everyone interprets a problem in different ways but the solution for similar problems is always the same because we all humans have readymade solutions for which we attach the given problem

We started working backwards, now we are rearranging the question for a given solution… Is this a correct way to THINK

THINK is not TRUE?

Today lets discuss about a wonderful concept of THINKING ….

There are so  many ways to Think, but one way to think so different is Lateral Thinking

What is so Different in Lateral Thinking

The only difference of Lateral thinking is dragging a variety solution for the same old problem, in simple words instead of VITAMIN INJECTION take a VITAMIN PILL.

We started THINKING LATERAL arent we?

We ourselves dont do it intentionally but every human has tendency to think Laterally a continuos practice and commitment to develop as an Individual will make us a Lateral Thinker

Who Introduced the Lateral Thinking concept and When?

Edward De Bono was first coin the term Lateral Thinking in the year 1967  in his book New Think. In his book Bono clearly distinguished the effects of Lateral Thinking with step by step Logical thinking.

Approach to Lateral Thinking

Lateral Thinking in modern days can be termed as Creative Thinking and I feel that Creative Thinking is Synonym for Lateral Thinking. So many believe that Creative thinking is talent!! If you are also thinking so ….

Sorry …  Its not a TALENT its a Continuos practice and application!!

Now I will tell you what actually stops us from THINKING LATERAL …

1. Fear of Choosing Alternative

Its a natural tendency of human to play safe, we dont think beyond the alternative solution that is available for a given problem

We have to look into the possibilities Lying beyond the alternative so OVERCOME FEAR OF CHOOSING ALTERNATIVE


Why we actually cant think beyond an existing solution .. It is because we dont try to interpret the problem indeed we will be busy to rearrange it in a known form of question. We hate to take CHALLENGE and change

Overcome the fear to Take Challenge and Focus on a problem for sure it will distinguish your thinking style compared to others



If we have a new solution for a routine problem we should be able to justify that idea we have suits the situation. If we focus and challenge the situation we will always have solutions but we need to ensure that we can justify our solution.

If we cant aprreciate and support our own Ideas we fail as Lateral Thinkers

Now I will explain it to you with a simple question

If I draw a straight  line on Board and ask you What is it? Choose from either of the answers

Ans  A) Straight Line B) Top View of a Square or Rectangle

If you agree with option A then you are Thinking … But thinking traditionally not exploring something beyond….

If you say that it is the Top view of a square then you are THINKING LATERALLY


I have small picture puzzle solve it for me answer it in comments column

Ravi Shankar @ yesyesway

What do organisations need today? New ways of thinking that open doors they didn’t know existed.  A way of thinking that seeks a solution to an intractable problem through unorthodox methods or elements that would normally be ignored by logical thinking. They need Lateral Thinking.

Dr Edward de Bono divides thinking into two methods. He calls one “vertical thinking,” which uses the processes of logic–the traditional, historical method. He calls the other “lateral thinking,” which involves disrupting an apparent thinking sequence and arriving at the solution from another angle.

Developing breakthrough ideas does not have to be the result of luck or a shotgun effort. Dr. de Bono’s proven Lateral Thinking methods provide a deliberate, systematic process that will result in innovative thinking.

Creative thinking is not a talent; it’s a skill that can be learned. It empowers people by adding strength to their natural abilities, which improves creativity and innovation, which leads to increased productivity and profit. Today, better quality and better service are essential, but they are not enough. Creativity and innovation are the only engines that will drive lasting, global success.

Lateral Thinking Techniques

Alternatives: How to use concepts as a breeding ground for new ideas. Sometimes we do not look beyond the obvious alternatives.

Focus: When and how to change the focus of your thinking. You will learn the discipline of defining your focus and sticking to it.

Challenge: Breaking free from the limits of traditional thinking. With challenges, we act as though the present way of doing things is not necessarily the best.

Random Entry: Using unconnected input to open up new lines of thinking.

Provocation and Movement: Generating provocative statements and using them to build new ideas.

Harvesting: Capturing your creative output. At the end of a creative-thinking session, we normally only take note of the specific ideas that seem practical and have obvious value.

Treatment & Assessment of Ideas: How to develop ideas and shape them to fit an organisation or situation.

Training can be conducted for groups from 6 – 24 and is conducted over a two-day period for the full course or a single day for the short course. A work-based assessment is also provided to ensure that learning’s are applied and benefits realised in the workplace.

Sessions are designed with client need in mind and are delivered by an accredited and experienced de Bono trainer.

Lateral Thinking detail & indicative pricing pdf document

Try Lateral Thinking For Problem Solving

Lateral thinking is a concept that’s been around since the late 1960s, when author Edward de Bono published New Think: The Use of Lateral Thinking. In his book, which soon became required reading in many college critical thinking courses, de Bono outlined a new approach to problem solving -  one that emphasizes unconventional ways of looking at things, and implementing creative solutions.

In the decades since, the idea has taken on a life of its own, and gained a foothold in popular culture.  It was the source of many of our pop-culture catch-phrases and references, such as the now-cliche “thinking outside the box,” and “seeking new paradigms.”  Lateral thinking was even immortalized in Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan, when Captain Kirk explained how he beat the infamous and supposedly unbeatable “Kobayashi Maru” test.

As a lateral thinker for most of my adult life, I’ve been described as an eccentric, a rule-breaker, a creative genius, and as a trouble-maker.  The truth is, traditional thinkers have a difficult time understanding how a lateral thinker’s mind works.  A traditional thinker asks, “Is the glass half empty, or half full?”  The lateral thinker asks, “Why is that glass twice as large as it needs to be?”  A traditional thinker thinks, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat!”  The lateral thinker thinks, “Why are we skinning the cat?”  A traditional thinker’s path often ends at the line where probability crosses over into the realm mere possibility, while the lateral thinker’s path begins where improbability meets the impossible.

It’s an unfortunate fact of life that our schools no longer teach problem-solving skills to our kids as they are growing up.  Many people simply don’t want to believe that thinking is a skill that must be exercised regularly, and can be improved, just like any other skill.  In their black-and-white world, there are just two possibilities – thinking and not-thinking.  If one must continue to use an “either-or” mindset, perhaps a more useful approach would be to classify thinking as effective, or ineffective.

In order to cultivate skills in lateral thinking, it’s often necessary to identify and jettison ineffective thought patterns and challenge old assumptions.  One way to do that is to perform lateral thinking exercises every day.  Here are five that I  recommend:

1. Challenging the Cause and Effect Illusion. This illusion is given credence every time we allow ourselves to believe that B follows A simply because it is caused by A.   A prime example of this sort of linear thinking that we may all be familiar with would be eating something unfamiliar for the first time, and then getting sick later.  It’s possible that we were already sick when we ate the meal and simply not yet showing the symptoms, or perhaps it was an allergic reaction to something else in our environment.  There may have been multiple, highly complex factors at work, such as the interaction of medications and certain foods.  Here’s your exercise:  Think of five things that always follow something else, but aren’t necessarily caused by its predecessor.

2.  Comparing the Dissimilar. We all remember this phrase from our high school essay tests: “compare and contrast.”  By definition, comparisons highlight similarities, while contrasts focus on differences.  So, what happens in your brain if you try to compare two things that are so dissimilar, that no obvious comparisons can be made?  The answer:  Your brain is forced to temporarily abandon black-and-white categorizations and begins to “color outside the lines” to come up with new and creative perspectives.   Your task is to come up with five comparisons that seem ludicrous at first blush.  Here’s an easy one to start you off:  How is a frog like the moon?

3.  Unknow What Everyone Knows. Think of five commonly accepted statements that begin with “Everyone knows…” and come up with plausible alternative explanations.  Your alternative explanations don’t have to be supported by evidence of any kind, they just have to be possible. Keep in mind that it wasn’t so long ago that everyone knew the sun revolved around the earth, and sailors who ventured too far would fall off the edge of the earth.

4.  Consider the Impossible. Lewis Carroll’s Alice said, “There’s no use trying, one can’t believe impossible things.”  The Queen replied,  “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,’ said the Queen. ‘When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”  Your exercise:  Emulate the Queen and imagine six impossible things (it needn’t be before breakfast!) and explain why they should be reclassified as merely improbable, instead.

5. Make a Wish. Compared to the previous exercises, this one is relatively simple.  People do it all the time, without even thinking – and perhaps that is why it is usually ineffective.  Make three wishes every day. The hardest  parts of this exercise are (1) making the wish a “serious” one by giving it some thought ahead of time, and (2) writing it down and keeping track, because you can’t make the same wish twice. That’s right – after a year of three-wishes-a-day, you’ll have 1095 wishes, in writing.  Needless to say, this exercise gets harder the further you are down the road, and it will no doubt be interesting to compare and contrast the wishes you’re making now to the ones you’ll be making a year from now.

By performing these exercises on a regular basis, you’ll likely discover problem-solving skills that you never knew you had, and you will begin to see the world in an entirely different way.  You’ll be better equipped to think critically and act decisively.  You may even find yourself being called an eccentric, a rule-breaker, a creative genius, or a trouble-maker.  Get used to it.